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Teaching and Learning with Technology Task 3                  

Reflection on different use of media

and technology in teaching


Media and technology can be used in several ways in teaching. It mostly depends on the needs that are aimed to be fulfilled. In addition, you should choose the media and technologies based on the tasks the students have to complete in the classroom. While sometimes simply pen and paper is sufficient, other tasks ask for digital tools, such as computer work or the use of smartboards, etc. In terms of teaching technologies, text is more dominant than any other technology in the classroom. Since I have been using text my whole life both as student and teacher, it is the most reliable mode of working for me. Then there are audio recordings that have a positive impact on language learning. This is, for example, the case when students listen to authentic audio material and devices of native speakers. Therefore, in particular in language teaching audio material remains important.

Sometimes you do not even have to select one technology; instead you might take advantage of digital devices by means of using computers which combine all the technology from text to video. In our modern society social media gains more and more relevance. One way to adapt this interest into teaching is integrating them in the classroom in form of online chats and messages on twitter and Facebook. This bridges the gap between the students who can identify themselves with the digital technology and the teacher who arouses interest in the students regarding the learning matter.

Teaching and Learning with Technology Task 4                  

An area of knowledge where behaviour can be controlled or modified through positive and negative reinforcement would be in the everyday classroom. The teacher could, for example, use rewarding for correct answers to shape classroom behaviour and help students learn basic facts and skills.



However, when people should not behave the same way and have different challenges a behavioural approach is rather counterproductive. For instance, from our own learning and teaching experience we noticed when it comes to classroom management behaviourism works pretty well. Yet, in order to meet all students’ needs by proving appropriate material for different efficiency the constructive approach is more appropriate since it incorporates internal thoughts, such as thinking and emotions. Students are not seen as passive receivers of knowledge which teachers as transmitters of this knowledge pass to them. They are integrated in their environment and collaborate with others.


​During our internships we were witnesses of lessons for the most part influenced by constructivism. Those lessons included a variety of social activities in the classroom and focussed on the strength and cohesion of the group. Differences were regarded as challenges in order to grow collectively. An example for a lesson’s content was a problem that had to be solved. Through critical analysis and creative work the students completed the tasks.



​My first impression of Bloom’s taxonomy is that it seems to be cognitively beneficial for students to develop critical thinking. As in a regular teaching time is often short I did not come across Bloom’s taxonomy. Yet I have been using descriptive verbs for work sheets, etc.

Bloom's Taxonomy


​Nowadays, there are a wide range of Montessori schools around the world. This fact intrigued me to look into its education system which appears to have a great impact on the students’ learning process. In particular, the omission of direct instruction by the teacher and the inclusion of different age groups foster an independent and heterogeneous working atmosphere in the classroom.

Montessori education

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